FAQ for visitors

General information

What is the IZB and how long has it existed?

The International Suppliers Fair (IZB) is Europe's leading trade fair for automotive suppliers. It began in 2001 as Volkswagen AG's in-house exhibition with 128 exhibitors from six nations and 13,500 visitors and has established itself over the years as a showcase for the international supplier industry. In 2022, 940 exhibitors from 37 nations presented their products at the IZB.

What is exhibited at the IZB?

Exhibitors from all over the world present their products and innovations from the automotive supplier industry at the IZB. They will be showing the latest trends in the industry as well as the entire spectrum of automotive production. This includes, for example, the topics of mobile services, connectivity and e-mobility or logistics and production management.


The IZB 2024

When is the IZB 2024 and what are the opening times?

This year's IZB will take place from 22 to 24 October and will be open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all three days of the trade fair.

Where can I find the IZB 2024 exhibitor list?

All information on the exhibitor list for this year's IZB is expected to be available on our IZB website at the beginning of July.



Where can I buy a ticket for the IZB 2024 and how much does a ticket cost?

The link to the ticket shop will be available here from the end of July. Below you will find the ticket prices:

1 day: 30.00 EUR / gross

3 days: 72.00 EUR / gross

Visitor car park: 5,00 EUR / gross


Location & Travelling

Where does the IZB take place?

The IZB takes place in the Allerpark in Wolfsburg.

How can I get to the IZB?

You can find all information on travelling to and from the IZB under the following link: Address/Directions

Is there accommodation available near the exhibition centre?

The Wolfsburg Convention Bureau of WMG (Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH) supports exhibitors and visitors in booking hotel accommodation for the IZB 2024. All information on the options and booking can be found here: Hotel booking

At the IZB

Where can I find the hall plan?

The hall concept as well as the plans of the individual halls for this year's IZB can be found under the following link: Hall concept. Please note that the hall plans are not yet finalised as we are constantly receiving new bookings.